How to use AWC's bill tracker
AWC’s bill tracker is a new tool to help city leaders and staff stay current on city-related bills moving through the Washington Legislature. Below are instructions and a short video on how to use the bill tracker.
Filter bills by category
If you are interested in specific topics or issues, you can select which categories you’d like to view.
If you are interested in multiple issue areas, you can select several categories at once.
To view all bills again, either unselect the selected categories or click the eraser button. Note that the eraser button is hidden and requires that you hover over the area to access it.
Search bills by bill number
You can also search bills by bill number.
To reset the bill tracker after searching by bill number, use the eraser buttons located next to the search box.
AWC bill coverage
Each bill included on the tracker has a corresponding link to an article written by AWC. Bill articles can be accessed by clicking on the link under the ‘AWC article’ tab of the bill tracker.
By default, articles are sorted with the most recently updated articles listed first.
Bill notes and providing feedback
As needed, AWC will provide additional notes or solicit feedback and comments from members by using the ‘Notes’ section of the bill tracker.
You can email AWC policy analysts directly with your comments by following the link included on the bill tracker website, or via the links in these instructions (below).
Support & questions
If you have questions or issues while using the bill tracker, please don’t hesitate to contact one of AWC’s policy analysts.
- Matt Doumit: General government (misc. & elections); human resources, labor relations & pensions; open government
- Jacob Ewing: Economic development; federal issues; human services & behavioral health; parks
- Sheila Gall: Finance, taxes & budgets
- Brianna Morin: Federal issues; public works & infrastructure; telecommunications; transportation; utilities & energy
- Shannon McClelland: Building codes; environment & natural resources; housing & homelessness; land use & planning
- Emma Shepard: Cannabis; emergency management; finance, taxes, & budgets; human services & behavioral health; public safety & criminal justice