Events & Education


Building connections between our state’s diverse cities and towns and supporting members with data-driven education are integral to the mission of AWC. Our in-person conferences are a critical piece of fulfilling that mission, and we want to ensure that finances are not a barrier to our members taking part in these important events. To that end, we provide a variety of scholarship options for our member cities including:

Learn more about each of these scholarship programs below.


New! First-time Attendee Scholarships for Mayors Exchange Fall 2024

AWC is pleased to offer scholarships for registration and travel costs to attend the 2024 Mayors Exchange. This scholarship opportunity is available to new mayors and first-time attendees of the AWC Mayors Exchange from cities that are unable to cover the costs. Scholarship funds are intended to remove barriers to attendance and to help city members engage with AWC, connect with peers, and bring new skills and knowledge back to their communities.

Scholarship funds are limited. Those interested are encouraged to apply by August 9! Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis thereafter.

AWC is actively working to remove barriers to member participation. If you have other barriers preventing you from attending the conference, please let us know so that we may attempt to accommodate your needs.

Criteria for awarding scholarships

Scholarship recipients must be an elected official from a member city who is a first-time attendee of an AWC Mayors Exchange. Preference will be given to new elected officials from cities with demonstrated financial hardship.

Due to limited funding, AWC may apply additional criteria at its discretion. Denial of a scholarship may be due to various reasons such as significant demand, lack of funds, or multiple applications from a city or region.

What the scholarship covers

If a scholarship is awarded, AWC will cover the cost of the 2024 Mayors Exchange full registration free of charge (value $125).

Scholarships granted that include travel reimbursement will be confirmed at the time the scholarship is awarded, and may include the following:

  • Mileage to/from city hall to the conference center or a stipend for airfare.
  • Lodging for one night (lodging per diem for the Ellensburg area is $135 per night, which includes all taxes and fees). Scholarship recipients are responsible for arranging their own accommodations and paying all costs. Learn more about lodging.

This scholarship does not include reimbursement for any other costs such as meals (unless provided in conjunction with the Mayors Exchange registration fee), parking, miscellaneous transportation (e.g., shuttle or ride-share etc. Travel reimbursement will not be provided if the recipient is unable to attend.

AWC will only grant reimbursement through the member city; not the scholarship recipient.

Application process

To apply, complete this brief application form. The first round of applications will be reviewed the week of August 9. Application review will take place weekly through September 6. Please allow up to three weeks for application review.



Small City Scholarship Program

The Small City Scholarship program assists small cities and towns that need financial assistance to attend AWC events. To be eligible, a city or town must have a population of 5,000 or less and have a financial hardship. The scholarship covers the cost of registration only. Scholarships are limited to one per city, per event, with up to four per city, per year and are based on available funds. AWC reserves the right to limit the number of scholarships used on a single event.

It is easy to access a Small City Scholarship – you just need the appropriate code. (See individual registration page for information.) If you register using a scholarship and do not attend, the city will be charged a cancellation fee.



Washington Cities Scholarship Program

The Washington Cities Scholarship program assists cities over 5,000 in population in attending AWC training when a city is unable to cover the full cost of the event. The Washington Cities Scholarship will discount a city 50% of the registration fee upon approval. The scholarship funds are available for major AWC conferences and signature events, including pre and post conference workshops occurring during the year.

Denial of a scholarship may be due to various reasons such as significant demand for a particular conference or workshop, lack of scholarship funds, and/or multiple scholarships provided to a particular jurisdiction. To apply, simply email and note the following:

  • Name and contact information of attendee.
  • Desired conference or event to attend.
  • If the attendee has attended the conference or event before.
  • Brief explanation of city’s financial need, including whether the city has funds available for education and training.


RMSA Scholarship Program

RMSA provides scholarships to help members attend pre-approved workshops and trainings. Scholarships are available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

RMSA provides financial assistance opportunities for the following events:

  • Labor Relations Institute
  • AWC Annual Conference
  • RMSA Annual Meeting
  • AWC Member Expo
  • Other trainings – prior RMSA approval required

Apply for a scholarship now!

Contact: RMSA staff, (360) 753-4137,


Employee Benefit Trust Scholarship Program

The Trust provides scholarships to members for all Trust-sponsored trainings. Scholarships to wellness trainings are provided only to members with medical coverage.

  • AWC Member Expo
  • Wellness Planning Forums
  • Health Care Regional Forums
  • Webinars
  • Healthy Worksite Summit

No application required.

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