Workers' Comp Retro Program

retro-safety-guy-icon-75 Safety & compliance

Our mission is every employee, home safe, every night. That’s why we work to keep your employees safe before an accident happens. Our focus on injury prevention and safety also reduces your overall workers’ compensation costs by improving your claims experience.

Compliance obligations

Understand the most common compliance issue areas and how AWC Retro can help you address these obligations.

Customizable safety tools and templates

Check out our resources that help you create a safe work environment. Includes a sample accident prevention program/safety manual, job hazard analysis, consultation forms, and more.

Hearing Conservation Program

Find out how AWC Retro helps you meet state and federal hearing conservation requirements.

Safety consultation

On-site safety consultations help you focus on your entity's safety needs, and connects you with available AWC Retro resources.

Safety training

Our trainings help you provide a safe work environment and meet statutory requirements. See what training opportunities are available and how to register.

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