Published on Dec 21, 2021

Top 10 in 2021

Contact: Brian Daskam

10artWe're closing out 2021 with our traditional top ten AWC highlights from another exceptional year. Read about our most exciting achievements and celebrations. We look forward to working alongside 281 strong cities and towns again in 2022.

  1. You—Washington’s city leaders—are at the top of our list!
    Strong cities make our state great. That’s why the hard work and dedication of our members put them at the top of our list once again.
  1. Big legislative wins during the first-ever remote legislative session
    The 2021 state legislative session was good for cities, with $30 million in new revenue for cities, adoption of Tax Increment Financing, and additional housing stability and infrastructure funding. We also worked with you, the National League of Cities, and others on two historic pieces of federal legislation: the American Rescue Plan Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
  1. We held our first in-person event in over 18 months
    We love the convenience of remote meetings, but it was great to gather in Chelan for Member Expo and the RMSA Annual Meeting. We are looking forward to more in-person events in 2022.
  1. $2.8M in refunds to Retro Pool members
    Across the state, cities and towns continued to protect themselves, their employees, and their communities through the power of pooling. Their dedication to safety paid off as members of the AWC Workers’ Comp Retro Pool received $2.8 million in refunds.
  1. A conversation with General James M. Mattis
    A high point of the 2021 AWC Annual Conference, General James N. Mattis, former Secretary of Defense – and Washington state native – shared insightful lessons on leadership that apply to the work of local leaders, especially during tumultuous times.
  1. City research, data, and resources
    AWC published a wide variety of research and reports in 2021 on timely and important topics for cities. Check them out if you haven’t already: Equity Resource Guide, Climate Resilience Handbook, Home Rule report, State of the Cities: Housing report, and the City conditions survey.
  1. AWC distributed $1.6M to local parks and recreation programs
    In partnership with the Washington Recreation & Park Association and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, AWC is administering the Summer Experiences & Enrichment for Kids (SEEK) funding program to provide outdoor summer program for underserved children and youth around the state.
  1. AWC Member Pooling Programs kept costs low for cities
    In 2021, AWC’s Member Pooling Programs remained fiscally strong and continued to provide excellent prevention and safety services to members. Programs include the AWC Employee Benefit Trust, AWC Risk Management Service Agency, AWC Workers’ Comp Retro Program, and the AWC Drug & Alcohol Consortium.
  1. Inaugural AWC Climate Resilience Forum
    Over a dozen speakers and 70 attendees gathered online to explore strategies to prepare for, mitigate, and adapt to the impacts of climate change confronting cities across the state.
  1. Welcome to the more than 500 newly elected officials!
    More than 500 city leaders will join the city family in the New Year. AWC hosted our signature Elected Officials Essentials workshop online in December, with 350 city officials attending.
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