Published on Mar 15, 2021

Changes in approach to greenhouse gas emissions in design of public facilities

Contact: Carl Schroeder, Maggie Douglas

HB 1280 requires new construction of public facilities to identify all-electric energy systems as an alternative to traditional heat and power systems.

As we previously reported, the bill extends state priorities to include greenhouse gas emission reduction practices in the design of major publicly owned or leased facilities. The bill also requires facility design to consider all-electric energy systems and at least one renewable energy or heat and power system.

Additionally, the legislation revises the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver standard. Under the proposal, sustainable designs are no longer required to meet the guidelines of the LEED silver standard. Instead, designs must include a system alternative that incorporates all-electric energy systems.

HB 1280 received no amendments in committee or floor action. It currently awaits public hearing in the Senate.


Dates to remember

HB 1280 is scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Environment, Energy and Technology Committee on March 18 at 10:30 am.

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  • Public works & infrastructure
  • Environment & natural resources
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