Published on Oct 02, 2020

2021 L&I rates announced

Contact: Candice Bock, Jacob Ewing

For the fourth year in a row, the state Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) is proposing to increase workers’ compensation insurance rates for firefighters and law enforcement.

Although moderate, the proposed rate increase is still a concern for the public safety sector, particularly when preceded by much higher-than-normal rate adjustments in prior years. Furthermore, L&I is proposing no increase in the average rate employers pay, which will be the fourth year in a row the state has seen a decrease or has seen rates holding steady as an overall average.

The following are rates in worker types pertinent to municipalities:

Worker type

2021 % change from 2020

4-year cumulative change

City public works and parks



County streets and parks



City/county law enforcement






Every local jurisdiction pays insurance premiums for workers’ compensation to L&I. Premiums are determined by rates based on the type of work performed, and then multiplied by the jurisdiction’s experience factor. A jurisdiction’s experience factor can go up or down based on claim history and costs.

Members of AWC’s Retro Program can view their jurisdiction’s rate online via the RiskConsole portal.

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