Published on Mar 13, 2020

Transportation budget contains numerous important studies and workgroups

Contact: Logan Bahr, Maggie Carol

Cities should be aware of a number of important studies and workgroups that were included in the supplemental transportation budget, HB 2322. The major provisos are listed below.

Washington Freight Advisory Committee (Sec. 310)

This proviso requires the Washington State Department of Transportation to convene a stakeholder group in order to make a recommendation for a freight advisory committee. These committees are recommended by recent federal transportation acts and serve an important role in advising the state on matters of freight mobility. Cities are an important asset owner and are included as a member of the stakeholder group. The recommendations are due to the Governor and Legislature in December 2020.

Road Usage Charge (Sec. 205)

This section provides funding and direction to the state's Transportation Commission to continue their efforts to explore the feasibility of a road usage charge (RUC). A RUC (also known as a pay-per-mile) is being reviewed locally, in many other states, and at the federal level as a possible replacement for the gas tax. The gas tax is increasingly seen as an unreliable source of long-term revenue for infrastructure as vehicles have become more fuel efficient or use alternative fuel sources.

Rail Safety Study (Sec. 204)

The Joint Transportation Committee (JTC) is directed to conduct a study on rail safety governance best practices and make recommendations for the implementation of these best practices in Washington. The study must assess rail safety governance for passenger and freight rail, including rail transit services, and must consider recommendations made by the National Transportation Safety Board in its 2017 Dupont Amtrak Derailment accident report. The study must also include an examination of rail safety governance best practices by other states. This proviso effectively implements the provisions of a bill AWC supported earlier in session and, while the bill failed to move, we are pleased to see it included in the budget.

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