Published on Mar 07, 2020

Public records employee information exemption makes it through both chambers

Contact: Candice Bock, Jacob Ewing

New exemptions for information related to public employees made it through both the House and Senate.

The amended version of HB 1888 exempts a government employee’s month and year of birth, photographs, and payroll deduction information from public disclosure. However, news media organizations would still have access to employee information.

The Senate also adopted amendments to clarify that an agency receiving a request for information located exclusively in the employee's personnel, payroll, supervisor, or training file must provide notice to the employee, any union representing the employee, and the requestor with:

  • The date of the request;
  • The nature of the requested record;
  • That the agency will release any nonexempt information in the record at least ten days after the notice is made; and
  • That the employee may seek a court order enjoining disclosure.

HB 1888 is awaiting the Governor’s signature to become law.

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