Two bills protecting public employee personal information from public record requests pass out of their respective chambers.
HB 1888 moved out of the House with strong support. The bill exempts a government employee’s month and year of birth, photographs, and payroll deduction information from public disclosure. News media organizations will still have access to full dates of birth and photographs. An amendment to the bill removed the following:
- A requirement for the Public Records Exemptions Accountability Committee to submit a recommendation by December 2025 on whether the allowed exemptions should be allowed to continue.
- A requirement for the Office of Financial Management to develop and maintain an employee verification system to authenticate the identities of public agency employees and volunteers.
HB 1888 is now in the Senate for consideration.
SB 6499 exempts public employees’ medical information contained in the state retirement system from public disclosure requirements. However, a healthcare provider treating or examining applicants claiming disability benefits or advising the state may view files and records at the Department of Retirement Services’ discretion. SB 6499 received a public hearing in the House State Government & Tribal Relations Committee on Thursday, February 20.
Dates to remember
HB 1888 is scheduled for a committee vote in the Senate State Government, Tribal Relations & Elections Committee at 8 am on Wednesday, February 26.