Published on Nov 15, 2019

WSDOT City Safety Program call for projects

Contact: Logan Bahr, Shannon McClelland

The Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) City Safety Program call for projects is now open. Approximately $25 million of federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds are now available. The purpose of this program is to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes on city and town streets using engineering improvements and countermeasures.


  • Only cities and towns in Washington are eligible to apply. Other organizations may work with a city/town to propose and develop a project.
  • Preliminary engineering/design, right-of-way, and construction phases of projects are eligible for funding.
  • Cities must submit a local road safety plan that addresses fatal and serious injury crashes and systemic safety needs in the city to be eligible to apply. Learn more and get resources about local road safety plans.
  • Spot Location Projects: Projects must address one or more specific fatal and/or serious injury crashes from 2014-2018 (the most recent, complete years available). Spot locations must also be identified in the applying agency’s local road safety plan. Spot location projects must be at a specific intersection(s), mid-block location(s), or corridor(s) on:
    • City street(s) in a city or town of any population.
    • State highway(s) that a city with a population above 27,500.
    • State highway(s) in a city or town with population 27,500 or less when there is interest from the WSDOT region in partnering to co-fund the project.
  • Systemic Safety Projects address the highest priority locations based on crash data and safety planning.
  • A city or town may only submit one application per city.
  • Cities applying for funds should include all requested Spot Location and Systemic Safety Projects in priority order.

Other requirements

  • Projects require a ten percent local match per phase (preliminary engineering/design, right-of-way, and construction) for all eligible federal expenditures. If the construction phase is authorized by April 30, 2023, then the construction phase is eligible for 100% funding (no local match required). Federal funds cannot be used as match for any phase.
  • Projects must be fully funded between this funding and other funding sources, as applicable.
  • There is no maximum funding that can be requested in each application.

WSDOT staff will be contacting eligible agencies with data and additional information about application requirements. For more information about the 2020 City Safety Call for Projects, please visit WSDOT program website. Applications are due on March 6, 2020.

  • Transportation
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