Published on Mar 18, 2019

Summary of environmental bills at cutoff

Contact: Carl Schroeder, Shannon McClelland

See below for the summary of bills we have been tracking and reported on that have passed out of the chamber in which they were introduced.

HB 1290

Faster permitting at Ecology for voluntary cleanups

HB 1543

Ecology request bill to development recycling market research center and require local contamination recycling plans

HB 1579

Implementing recommendations of the southern resident killer whale task force to make changes to the Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) statutes and the single-family bulkhead policies

HB 1691

Concerning funding and administering local government infrastructure by the public works board

SB 5077

Prohibiting single-use plastic straws

SB 5130

Increasing transportation revenues to help fund state fish barrier removal

SB 5135

Chemical Action Plans

SB 5323

Plastic bag ban

SB 5397

Producer responsibility for plastic packaging – now a study bill

SB 5503

On-site sewage systems

SB 5552

Pollinator habitat protection

SB 5788

Concerning local government infrastructure funding

SB 5873

Concerning community forests – now a pilot


The following bills that we reported on did not advance after March 13:

HB 1194

Chemical Action Plans

HB 1205

Plastic bag ban

HB 1665

Commerce to complete economic analysis of recycling system

SB 5285

Faster permitting at Ecology for voluntary cleanups

SB 5293

Governor’s request bill on energy efficiency, impacting residential building codes

SB 5545

Ecology request bill to development recycling market research center and require local contamination recycling plans


Dates to remember

HB 1579 is scheduled for a hearing on Tuesday, March 19 at 1:30 pm in the Senate Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks Committee.

SB 5077 will be heard in the House Environment & Energy Committee on Monday, March 14 at 8 am. The bill is also scheduled for a committee vote on Thursday, March 21 at 8 am.

SB 5135 will be heard on Thursday, March 21 at 8 am in House Environment & Energy Committee.

SB 5323, SB 5397, SB 5503 are scheduled for a hearing on Monday, March 18 at 1:30 pm in the House Committee on Environment & Energy.

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