Data & Resources

Resources relating to

  • EOE webinar series: Tribal government relations 101

    Certificate of Municipal Leadership programLearn about Tribal sovereignty and how Tribes operate independently from state or federal government.
    (CML: Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; 1 credit)

  • EOE webinar series: Municipal budgeting 101

    Certificate of Municipal Leadership programJoin our budget webinar to learn the basics of the municipal budgeting cycle and understand the role of elected officials in the budget process.
    (CML: Public sector resource management; 1 credit)

  • EOE webinar series: Social media 101

    Certificate of Municipal Leadership programWhat elected officials need to know about social media. How does social media use intersect with public record law requirements, Washington public meeting laws, and the First Amendment?
    (CML: Roles, responsibilities, and legal requirements; 1 credit)

  • 2024 Salary and Benefit Survey highlights

    The 2024 Salary and Benefit Survey (SBS) was published mid-July 2024.

  • Session is only the tip of the iceberg

    Check out AWC’s advocacy iceberg for a sense of what you can be doing to advocate for your city or town—and see all of the work going on under the surface during the legislative interim.

  • EOE webinar series: GMA planning 101

    Certificate of Municipal Leadership programGain a practical overview of land use planning in Washington state and your roles and responsibilities as your city plans for growth.
    (CML: Community planning and development; 1 credit)

  • Civic service recognition

    AWC recognizes city officials who have retired after 20 or more years of service to their city. Elected officials, city managers and administrators, city clerks, senior department directors and city attorneys are eligible.

  • EOE webinar series: Finance 101 for elected officials

    Certificate of Municipal Leadership programThis webinar explores the basics of budgeting for a newly elected official and for staff who support newly elected officials.
    (CML: Public sector resource management; 1 credit)

  • AWC Center for Quality Communities scholarships

    The AWC Center for Quality Communities annually awards scholarship to outstanding high school seniors for post-secondary education. Students are nominated by their city or town.

  • State of the Cities: Municipal workforce—The foundation of city services

    This State of the Cities report examines the changing demands on cities and city workers, overviews personnel-related cost-drivers, analyzes retirement and survey data related to recruitment and retention, and offers additional resources to build their own team.

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