Data & Resources


Contracts, arbitration decisions & job descriptions

Our Salary and Benefit Survey Reporting Tool now contains city labor contracts, interest arbitration decisions, and job descriptions and is intended for those who represent management only. Browse the entire list or use a variety of filters to find and open or download and print them.

To access the Reporting Tool
HR directors, city managers/administrators, mayors and other management staff can now access these documents from within the Salary and Benefit Survey Reporting Tool found here.

Management representatives in cities who don’t already have access can contact to request authorization.


publications-iconBasics of Collective Bargaining – Negotiating with Unions in the Public Sector

This manual is the definitive resource for anyone in a public agency involved in the collective bargaining process on behalf of management. Get an overview of collective bargaining rights for Washington public employees, unfair labor practices and good faith bargaining, and the proper role for elected officials in the collective bargaining process.

The Basics of Collective Bargaining manual was authored by the attorneys of the Summit Law Group on behalf of AWC.

To access the publication
HR directors, city managers/administrators, mayors and other management staff can access the publication by logging in here. After you enter your User ID and password, and the manual will appear to the right.

This publication is intended for those who represent management only. Specific authorization is needed from AWC staff to view the publication. Management representatives in cities and AWC Associate members who don’t already have access or don’t see the publication link at the right of the page can contact Heidi Olmstead.


publications-icon2024 updated Washington State Public Employer Overtime Guide

Overtime issues can prove troublesome for public employers. This webinar provides an overview of overtime changes and updates to the laws including rules regarding the minimum salary threshold and job duties tests for salaried exempt employees.

  • Understand the major provisions of overtime laws and the implications for public employers in Washington
  • Identify options for complying with the revised regulations
  • Learn best practices for performing audits and communicating changes to exempt status employees

To access the publication
HR directors, city managers/administrators, mayors and other management staff can access the updated 2024 publication by logging in here. After you enter your User ID and password, and the manual will appear to the right.

Specific authorization is needed from AWC staff to view the publication. Management representatives in cities and AWC Associate members who don’t already have access or don’t see the publication link at the right of the page can contact Heidi Olmstead.

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