<a href="">RMSA staff</a> | Dec 18, 2023
Nobody wants accidents on their municipal roads or injuries on their sidewalks.
Nobody wants accidents on their municipal roads or injuries on their sidewalks. These areas are critical to keep safe. Make sure to address the issues below to keep these areas as safe as possible.
Keep roads safe!
- Develop written snow and ice management policies. Review the policies annually – update as needed.
- Prioritize routes to be plowed and levels of service on those routes.
- Choose an area to dump plowed snow that does not produce ice or flood hazards.
- Communicate your snow and ice management plan with your citizens. Consider using social media as a communications tool during storms.
- Clear storm drains ahead of storm, and on an ongoing basis to prevent snow melt flooding.
- At end of winter, repair equipment, order snow and ice supplies for the coming year.
Sidewalk safety
- Remove all accumulated snow on municipal sidewalks with a shovel or snow/leaf blower.
- Use pre-application of ice melt before a storm to prevent ice accumulation and slippery conditions.
- Apply a thin, even layer of ice melt over all walking surfaces. Wear gloves to protect your hands and use de-icing products as directed.
- Inspect and reinspect sidewalks to ensure they continue to stay clear of snow and ice.
- Pay attention to areas that get sun early and shadow later in the day. A puddle in the morning sun can become a sheet of ice in the shade. Pre-treat puddles with ice blocker or lay salt and gravel mixture on the ice to melt and provide traction.