Great news! Retro refunds announced

by <a href="">Retro staff</a> | Dec 14, 2022
The AWC Retro Board voted to refund nearly <strong>$3.5M to Pool members with a 30% base refund and 70% performance refund</strong>. Entities that had a positive impact on Pool performance are eligible for the performance refund.

The 2019 Retro Year has had its final adjustment and the result is a refund of $4.9M. The AWC Retro Board met on December 9 and voted to distribute a majority (70%) of the refund reserving a portion (30%) of the refund to build and stabilize our financial position, protecting members against potential future assessments.

The Board voted to refund nearly $3.5M to Pool members with a 30% base refund and 70% performance refund. Entities that had a positive impact on Pool performance are eligible for the performance refund. All Retro members that participated in the Pool in 2019 will receive their refund checks prior to the end of December.

We know this success is due to the continued work of our member organizations emphasizing safe work practices and helping injured employees return to work, along with the great work of our claims and safety staff. Thank you for your efforts to ensure every employee is home safe every night.

Questions? Contact Retro staff.
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