<a href="">Candice Bock</a>, <a href="">Matt Doumit</a> | Mar 04, 2022
Governor Jay Inslee announced that the state mask mandate will end nine days earlier than anticipated, at 11:59 pm on March 11.
Governor Jay Inslee announced that the state mask mandate will end nine days earlier than anticipated, at 11:59 pm on March 11. The Governor made the decision on February 28, after the CDC announced a change to its masking recommendations that loosen
masking requirements for much of the country. Nothing else about the Governor’s new COVID guidance has changed
besides moving up the date for the end of the state mask mandate.
The CDC’s new mask metrics only recommend universal indoor masking in communities with “high”
risk of COVID transmission. Levels of risk are measured by looking at weekly new COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, as well as the percentage of hospital beds occupied by COVID patients.
Currently, 95% of U.S. counties now fall below a “high” level of transmission risk and may remove mask requirements under the new guidance. 30 of 39 counties in Washington now fall below the threshold, which the Governor used to justify his decision to end the mandate early, while reminding residents that local jurisdictions or individual businesses can still
maintain their own mask mandates.
Federal requirements for face coverings so far remain in place for public transportation.
See the updated proclamation: Proclamation 20-25.19
See the updated guidance from the L&I: L&I requirements and guidance for preventing COVID-19