Quick update on GMA planning funding

by <a href="mailto:carls@awcnet.org">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="mailto:shannonm@awcnet.org">Shannon McClelland</a> | Apr 02, 2021
AWC has been working hard this session to ensure that amendments made to the Growth Management Act (GMA) include sufficient funding for any new work created for cities.

AWC has been working hard this session to ensure that amendments made to the Growth Management Act (GMA) include sufficient funding for any new work created for cities. We are happy to report that the House budget proposal includes such funding through a mix of direct appropriations per bill and a flexible fund to address costs of any new legislation passed this year or last.


Please reach out to your Senators and ask them to support matching the House’s funding level for the new GMA responsibilities.

We appreciate the support of the House in providing this funding. Similar funding is not present in the Senate budget, which is not unexpected. Traditionally, each chamber is responsible for funding the bills it initiates, and the GMA reform package originated in the House. Please reach out to your Senators and ask them to support matching the House’s funding level for the new GMA requirements.

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