<a href="">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="">Shannon McClelland</a> | Feb 26, 2021
At this point in session, several bills addressing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) remain in the mix and debate about plastics in the waste stream continue.
At this point in session, several bills addressing greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) remain in the mix and debate about plastics in the waste stream continue.
While the fate of the Governor’s proposed Climate Commitment Act (SB 5126) remains to be
seen, it continues to generate discussion in budget negotiations as it proposes significant new revenue. Two other climate bills, HB 1075 and HB 1091, are on the move and concern reducing GHGs from the transportation sector. These
bills dovetail with proposals for how cities should address climate impacts through the Growth Management Act. For more on that topic, see this week’s Bulletin article on the GMA.
Conversations on plastic packaging in the waste stream continue at a fast and furious pace. SB 5022 is the primary vehicle expected to move forward on the issue.
Bills awaiting floor action:
HB 1057 >– Addressing nuisance odors in public parks and spaces.
HB 1075 – Reducing emissions from vehicles associated with on-demand transportation services.
HB 1091 – Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the carbon intensity of transportation
SB 5022 – Managing solid waste through prohibitions on expanded polystyrene, providing for
food service ware upon customer request, and requiring recycled content in plastic beverage containers.
Bills that are “dead” for now, but can be revived as part of the budget:
HB 1488 – Hauler’s proposal to address plastic packaging.
SB 5126 – Climate Commitment Act.
SB 5219 – Hauler’s proposal to address plastic packaging.