Housing Trust Fund announces new grant opportunities

by <a href="mailto:carls@awcnet.org">Carl Schroeder</a>, <a href="mailto:shannonm@awcnet.org">Shannon McClelland</a> | Aug 07, 2020
The Washington State Housing Trust Fund is the preeminent state funding source for affordable housing.

The Washington State Housing Trust Fund is the preeminent state funding source for affordable housing. AWC has advocated for continued and increased funding of the Housing Trust Fund to encourage low-income housing development in cities. There are several grant opportunities that cities may want to investigate or share with their nonprofit service providers:

  • Traditional Housing Trust Fund grant round is open for rental and homeownership projects with applications due on September 29.
  • New grant opportunity for modular housing designed to serve individuals who are homeless at entry, with applications due on September 2.
  • New grant for community housing and cottage housing for homeless individuals with applications due on September 29
  • Reminder that capital funds are still available to preserve existing affordable housing that is at risk of losing affordability due to expiring use restrictions. This opportunity is open until the agency awards the entirety of the $10 million provided by the Legislature.

More information is available at the Department of Commerce’s Housing Trust Fund webpage.

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