Public Works Board approves $85 million in infrastructure loans

by <a href="">Logan Bahr</a>, <a href="">Maggie Carol</a> | Aug 19, 2019
The Public Works Board (PWB) met in early August to review loan requests for nearly 75 different pre-construction and construction infrastructure projects.

The Public Works Board (PWB) met in early August to review loan requests for nearly 75 different pre-construction and construction infrastructure projects. Of these requests, PWB approved 30 projects around the state and awarded a total of $85 million in infrastructure loans to cities, counties, and special districts.

A list of the projects on the Department of Commerce’s website shows which projects received loans from PWB. The qualifying projects include improvements to domestic water systems, sanitary sewer systems, and stormwater systems.

AWC has consistently advocated for adequate funding the Public Works Board to ensure these basic services are accessible, affordable, and safe. Board Chair Scott Hutsell commented on the funding cycle, stating that “The cross-section of projects represented in these applications and awards is indicative of the need in all systems and areas of the state…We will continue, with our partner agencies, to help address the needs of the state through technical assistance, training, and financing.”

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