General government grab bag

by <a href="">Brandon Anderson</a> | May 20, 2019
There were a few high-profile bills addressing general government issues in 2019.

There were a few high-profile bills addressing general government issues in 2019.

After grappling with the issue for more than a decade, the Legislature passed “wrongful death” legislation this session. AWC strongly opposed SB 5163. The legislation expands tort liability associated with wrongful death and survival action claims and amends those statutes by removing dependency requirements for claimants; allowing parents and siblings to bring an action for adult children, when that child has no spouse, partner, or child; expanding noneconomic damages to include the decedent’s pain and suffering, anxiety, emotional distress, or humiliation; and applies retroactively to all claims that are not time barred, as well as any claims pending in any court on the effective date of the act, July 28, 2019.

The Legislature spent considerable time wrestling with privacy rules around consumer data with HB 1071 regarding data breaches and SB 5376, the Washington Privacy Act. However, the House and Senate couldn’t agree on a version of SB 5376 and it failed to pass. We expect the issue to return in 2020 with continued focus on how government uses facial recognition technology.

In 2018, the Legislature passed the Washington Voting Rights Act (VRA). This session, they further refined the VRA with SB 5266, which requires that all council positions are up for reelection at the same time when redistricting under the VRA. However, the bill does include language to clarify that cities can still stagger the terms of the positions after the initial election.

One bill that did not pass was HB 2069 which would have restricted city-owned utilities from holding landlords responsible for delinquent tenant accounts. We anticipate that this issue will return in 2020.

General government bills

Bill #



HB 1071

Data breaches and personal information

Law; effective March 1, 2020

HB 1147

Access of broadcasters to an emergency area

Law; effective July 28, 2019

SB 5106

Concerning the creation of a work group to study and make recommendations on natural disaster mitigation and resiliency activities.

Law; effective July 28, 2019

SB 5163

Concerning actions for wrongful injury or death.

Law; effective July 28, 2019

SB 5266

Requires all council seats to be reelected when redistricting under Washington Voting Rights Act.

Delivered to Governor.  Effective immediately and retroactive to January 16, 2019.

SB 5287

Ensuring accurate redistricting.

Delivered to Governor

HB 1134

Fire safety codes for mobile food establishments.

Did not pass

HB 1152

Addressing motorcycle profiling.

Did not pass

HB 1209

Providing prepaid postage for all election ballots.

Did not pass

HB 2069

Limiting a city-owned utility from collecting delinquent utility bills from property owners and prohibiting use of utility liens.

Did not pass

HB 1530

Restricting possession of weapons in certain locations.

Did not pass

HB 1666

Creating efficiencies in adoption of council-manager government.

Did not pass

HB 1722

Concerning local options for tabulating votes in an election.

Did not pass

SB 5224

Concerning advisory votes.

Did not pass

SB 5376

Concerning consumer data and limiting use of facial recognition technology

Did not pass

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