Watch legislator profile videos on TVW

by <a href="">Regina Adams</a> | Mar 18, 2019
Many city officials and staff members have well-established relationships with legislators from their district.

How well do you know your legislators?

Many city officials and staff members have well-established relationships with legislators from their district. However, some may not have had the opportunity to meet one or more of their legislators yet. Wherever you fall on that spectrum, take a moment to watch your legislators’ profile videos on the TVW website.

In each video, legislators introduce themselves and their district boundaries within the state. They talk about what motivated them to run for office and what issues are most important to them as they serve Washington in their formal roles. The profiles are a good tool to learn more about your legislators. Even if you have a long-standing relationship with your delegation, the videos are interesting and may include something you did not know.


You might learn something you can talk to them about when you visit them on March 25 at AWC’s Lobby Day.

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