I-940 “fix” bill passes the House

by <a href="mailto:sharons@awcnet.org">Sharon Swanson</a>, <a href="mailto:shannonm@awcnet.org">Shannon McClelland</a> | Jan 27, 2019
<strong><a target="_blank" href="https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1064&amp;Initiative=false&amp;Year=2019">HB 1064</a></strong>, which modifies several provisions of <strong>I-940</strong>, was heard on the first day of session and passed out of its policy committee the next day.

HB 1064, which modifies several provisions of I-940, was heard on the first day of session and passed out of its policy committee the next day.

During the second week of session, HB 1064 unanimously passed out of the House. HB 1064 will now be referred to the Senate Committee on Law & Justice for a hearing. SB 5029, its companion, is awaiting a floor vote in the Senate.

For more details on the substantive changes these bills make to existing law, see our previous article.

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