<a href="">Carl Schroeder</a> | Feb 16, 2018
As demonstrated by recent wildfires in California, Oregon, and here in Washington, wildland fires have the potential to devastate neighborhoods located in the “wildland-urban interface.
As demonstrated by recent wildfires in California, Oregon, and here in Washington, wildland fires have the potential to devastate neighborhoods located in the “wildland-urban interface.”
ESSB 6109, Sen. Kevin Van De Wege (D-Sequim), would adopt the 2018 International Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Code as part of the state building code, after mapping of statewide wildland-urban interface areas by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is complete. Until that time, cities may choose to adopt the WUI requirements as part of their local building codes. This new code includes requirements for fire-resistant roofing, deck and siding materials, and adequate driveway turnarounds or turnouts to allow access by fire authorities. In addition to mapping areas subject to the new code, DNR would be charged with providing grants and technical assistance to local communities implementing the new requirements.
AWC supports the flexibility provided to local jurisdictions in the bill to adjust the turnaround requirements to fit local circumstances, and supports assistance from DNR to help communities address this serious issue. Please contact us with any concerns.