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A video resource for city officials to demonstrate the important relationship between cities and the state. The video reinforces the long-standing partnership between the state and its cities.
The state is only as strong as its cities and towns. This is where the majority of our state’s residents live, learn work and play. This is where the state’s economic activity occurs and where front-line services are provided.
The Numbers Don’t Lie is a video resource for city officials to demonstrate the important relationship between cities and the state. The video reinforces the long-standing partnership between the state and its cities.
How does your city make Washington a great place to live, learn, work and play?
Cities throughout the state play an important role in making Washington a great place to live, learn, work and play. What are your community’s unique characteristics?
- Which businesses reside in your community, and how are they important to the state?
- Which leisure activities is your community known for, and how is this important to the state’s tourism?
- What is your city’s residential population?
- What is your city’s daytime population? How does your city serve residents and businesses from throughout the region?
- What services does your city provide to support residents and the business community?
Share the Strong Cities message
Operation: Strong Cities is a multi-faceted effort to mobilize city officials.
- We must engage, and hold our legislators accountable, in order to uphold a strong partnership between the state and its cities and towns.
- We must educate our individual residents and corporate citizens, in order to for them to understand the important role cities provide to their economic and social wellbeing.
Cities can use this video as a discussion point with legislators, community members, the business community, and other stakeholders.
Here are five ways you can help support the conversation that a strong city-state partnership is critical.
- Post this video to your website and make it visible to your residents, businesses, and visitors.
- Share this video on social media and ask your residents to comment about why they choose to live, learn, work and play in your community. Retweet AWC’s tweets related to the video.
- Play this video at a council meeting and lead a conversation about what your legislators have done – or haven’t done – to help uphold the important partnership between your city and the state.
- Ask to be on the meeting agenda of your local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis or Lions Club. Then play this video and educate attendees about what your city needs from the state Legislature.
- Air the video on your public access station. AWC has broadcast quality video that you can use.
Strong cities make a great state
Cities are where:
- 4.7 million people live
- 69% of job generating businesses are located
- 86% of all retail sales are made
See Washington's cities by the numbers.