Be on the lookout for your call to action

by User Not Found | Jun 02, 2017
AWC needs your help so we can continue to help keep your cities strong.

AWC needs your help so we can continue to help keep your cities strong. Almost halfway through their 2nd 30-day overtime session, legislative leaders and the Governor have yet to find common ground on operating and capital budgets, let alone a number of key policy bills needing their attention. Most legislators remain at home while groups of their respective caucus leaders huddle, issue statements, and strategize how to finish their work before July 1 when their new fiscal year begins.

While its unlikely budgets will be adopted and key policy bills agreed upon much before July 1, it is critical that legislators are reminded of outstanding city budget and policy priorities. Through a series of requests and targeted Action Alerts, AWC is asking for your help in reminding your legislators of what is needed to help keep things running smoothly at home. This reinforces our voices as we seek to connect with legislators involved in backroom discussions.

We hope you will heed the call when it comes individually your way to make a personal connection with one or more of your legislators. Some of them are directly involved in negotiations, while most others are not. It is particularly important to ask this group to represent your interests and needs to their leadership, or city needs may be ignored when the final deals are made.

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