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Frequently asked questions about the AWC Board of Directors

What is the AWC Board of Directors?

The AWC Board of Directors (AWC Board) is the governing body of the Association of Washington Cities (AWC), a private nonprofit corporation, and is responsible for providing continuing guidance and direction to the AWC Chief Executive Officer.

Who serves on the AWC Board?

The AWC Board is comprised of 25 members, as follows:

  • A president, vice president, past president, and secretary
  • One local elected official from each of the 14 AWC districts statewide, including the large city representative (except for the City of Seattle, District 11, which has two seats)
  • Two local elected officials representing cities in multi-city districts in Western Washington at large
  • Two local elected officials representing cities in multi-city districts in Eastern Washington at large
  • The president and past president of the Washington City/County Management Association (WCMA)

AWC Board roster

Cities by district

Board district map

AWC Bylaws

What are the qualifications for Board members?

The AWC Bylaws outline requirements to serve on the AWC Board:

  • Each Board member must be an elected city official holding office in some city or town within the state for a minimum of one year, or hold an elective office from a single-city district, or be an ex officio director (the president and past president of WCMA); and
  • Each Board member, other than a single-city district representative or an ex officio director, must have earned the Certificate of Municipal Leadership (CML).

Western At-Large #1 and #2 positions are filled by city officials from a city or town in a multi-city district located west of the crest of the Cascade Mountain range, and the Eastern At-Large #3 and #4 positions are filled by city officials from a city or town located east of the crest of the Cascade Mountain range. The Western At-Large #2 position and the Eastern At-Large #4 position must represent a city or town of less than 5,000 population.

What other qualifications or experience are beneficial for a city official considering serving on the AWC Board?

Board members have generally found it helpful to be acquainted with AWC programs and services. Knowing area legislators, having the ability to attend full-day board meetings and special meetings as needed, and being generally interested in taking active part in AWC events and activities throughout the year are all beneficial.

How are AWC Board members elected?

Prior to the AWC Business Meeting, the Nominating Committee solicits local officials interested in being considered for election to the AWC Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee is responsible for nominating local officials to be submitted to city delegates during the Business Meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor of the Business Meeting (except for the positions of president, vice president, and single-city district representatives). Voting delegates from each city and town represented at the Business Meeting cast votes to elect members to the Board of Directors.

Board members from single-city districts (9, 10, 11) are chosen by the legislative body of that city.

When are the AWC Board members elected?

Board members are elected during the Business Meeting at the AWC Annual Conference. District and at-large positions are two-year terms (even-numbered and at-large districts are up for election in even years, and odd-numbered and at-large districts in odd years). Officer positions are one-year terms. The Board is authorized by the AWC Bylaws to appoint elected city officials to fill the remainder of unexpired terms when vacancies on the Board occur.

Who pays AWC Board member expenses?

AWC is responsible for reimbursing Board members for lodging, travel, and incidental expenses incurred in conjunction with attendance at AWC Board meetings.

What is expected of AWC Board members?

Members of the AWC Board have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of AWC, and to avoid circumstances in which there may be a conflict of interest. This requires Board members exercise duty of loyalty, care, and good faith.

The primary responsibilities of the AWC Board of Directors are to oversee the discharge of the general organizational responsibilities, including: exercise due diligence and oversight to ensure sound financials and policies; adopt the annual budget and membership fees; adopt the legislative agenda in accordance with the Statement of Policy; adopt and monitor execution of the AWC strategic plan; act as an ambassador to members in the respective district; and provide direction on other issues as requested.

Read an overview of responsibilities for AWC Board members including estimated time requirements for meetings and other duties.

What is expected of the AWC Executive Committee?

This outline of the Executive Committee's roles and responsibilities provides an overview and identifies key activities during the term of office. (Members of the AWC Executive Committee include the Secretary, Vice President, President, Past President, and Large City Representative.)

What is the relationship between the AWC Board and the boards of the Employee Benefit Trust, Risk Management Service Agency, and Center for Quality Communities?

The AWC Board of Directors is the governing body of the Association of Washington Cities, a private nonprofit corporation. Although an individual on the AWC Board may also serve as a trustee for the AWC Employee Benefit Trust, or as a board member of the AWC Risk Management Service Agency (RMSA) or the AWC Center for Quality Communities, each of these boards is a separate governing body.



Alicia Seegers Martinelli, 360.753.4137, aliciam@awcnet.org

Betsy Hildreth, 360.753.4137, betsyh@awcnet.org

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