Risk Management Service Agency

RMSA-logo-icon-75 About Risk Management Service Agency (RMSA)

We are the full service risk management choice for Washington’s cities and towns. RMSA is a member-owned risk pool. Members receive comprehensive risk management that helps stabilize insurance costs, and minimizes loss exposures through risk-sharing and joint indemnification of losses.


Our mission

Protect employees, assets, and officials of Washington’s cities and towns.



RMSA provides property and liability coverage to Washington cities and towns. Special purpose districts are also eligible for coverage. See a visual map of members and a membership list.


Membership assessments and joining RMSA

Members pay an assessment based on worker hours, property values, and claims history. Members share in the equity of the program.

The liability assessment goal is rate stability and funding objectives. Liability assessment's include worker hours, a three-year experience modification factor, administrative costs to run the program, and funding loss reserves by independent actuarial calculations.

The property program rate is established by the reinsurance costs based on market and actual assessed values.

Getting a quote from RMSA is easy! Contact RMSA staff to find out more.



Access meeting agendas and see who sits on the RMSA Board of Directors and the RMSA Operating Committee.


RMSA governing documents

Access RMSA's governing documents, including bylaws, interlocal agreement, and more.


Contact us

Contact RMSA claims staff at rmsaclaims@awcnet.org.

Contact RMSA staff at rmsa@awcnet.org. Login for a list of RMSA staff.

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